The Prodigal Son Doorknob Hanger
Prodigal Son Printout-Printable Version
Crayons or Markers
Card Stock
Just print the Prodigal Son doorknob hanger out on card stock and have the child color it with crayons or markers. Have them cut the doorknob hanger out and you may have to help them cut the circle part out. Laminate if you want it to keep for a long time. Let them hang it up on their doorknob at home. Use this fun craft to go with our Prodigal Son Sunday School Lesson.
Or make them a fun little Pig Slop snack, "Corn Husks and Mud". This is chocolate pudding with a corn husk inside a ziplock bag with a spoon taped to the outside. This is sure to be a hit with the kids!
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