Fall Sunday School Crafts For Kids
We have lots of fall crafts to choose from for your kids to do in Sunday school class or children's church. Just pick out what you need and it will take you to the page. Most of our crafts are aimed towards smaller children. Everything is free! We have pumpkin crafts, candy corn crafts, acorn crafts, apple crafts and so on.
We also have a whole section of Fall coloring pages and Fall Sunday School Lessons tha comes with matching materials like fall printables and fall snack ideas. If you want to see that then just head over to the Fall Sunday School Lessons Page on our other website at www.ChurchHouseCollection.com.

God's Pumpkin Patch
Print this template and cut it out. Staple to a ziplock bag filled with popcorn and candy corn pumpkins. This has a scripture on the back of the template.