Snuggly Snowman Sock
Snuggly Sock Snowman
"Isaiah 1:18- ....though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow."
- Child’s Sock
- Cotton thread
- Rice
- Fleece
- Permanent markers
- Paper tube
- Cinnamon stick (Optional)

To use, heat the snowman in the microwave about thirty seconds. Do not overheat. Hold the heated sock snowman in your hands to relieve cold or aching hands.
Caution: Do not use rubber bands or any materials that are not microwave safe in the construction of the sock snowman.
A larger sock snowman is made from an adult sock. If using a tube sock, use about two thirds of the lower section of the sock for the body. The section between the body and cuff will be the head. For the ambitious, facial features can be embroidered. No rice? Try using oatmeal as a filler.

Our Take On It: You can have your kids in Sunday School Class or Children's Church do this cute snowman craft, and teach them how God made everything including the snow. You can tell them about the scripture in Isaiah 1:18. Teach them that the Lord said, "though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." Jesus washes all your sins away the bible says. (Rev 1:5-.....washed us from our sins in his own blood.")