God's Road Sign Toilet Paper Roll Craft


God's Road Sign Toilet Paper Roll Craft

God's Road Sign

Toilet Paper Roll Craft

Proverbs 16:9- A man's heart deviseth his ways:

but the Lord directeth his steps.

  • God's Road Sign Template  (Colored)
  • Toilet Paper Roll Tube
  • Tape or Glue
  • Scissors
Print the template out and have the children cut the body, arms and feet out. You can have them use glue or tape. I used tape just because it was easier. Have them wrap the body that has the scripture on it around the toilet paper roll tube. Tape the back of it or glue it. Then add the arms by folding them back and forth to get the accordian look and tape or glue them on. Add our feet by taping or gluing some of the straight feet part up inside the toilet paper roll tube. This is suppose to be a road sign girl with road sign eyes, nose and mouth.

Use this craft to go along with our "God's Road Sign Sunday School Lesson". This comes with a coloring pages, recipe, maze, word in a word, award certificate, cupcake templates, and more.