God Directs my Steps
Road Sign Doorknob Hanger
Proverbs 16:9- The man's heart deviseth his ways:
but the Lord directeth his steps.
If you printed the half colored template then have the kids finish coloring it with crayons or markers. If you printed the colored one then just have the kids cut it out. Laminate there doorknob hanger during class so the kids can take this home.
I bought my laminator from walmart and they will come in handy over and over again. If you do not have one or do not one to laminate it then just print this on card stock. This will be sturdy enough for them to hang on the door. Or you could even just print it on regular printing paper. I have done that before and it works fine too. It just won't last as long though.
Use this doorknob hanger craft to go along with the "God's Road Signs Sunday School Lesson. This comes with a coloring page, recipe, cupcake templates, award certificate, maze, word in a word, activity sheet, clipart and more.