Fill a paper cup half way full of alcohol. Add several drops of food coloring. Add rice to a level that allows all the rice to be covered. Give it a stir. Let the rice set in the colored alcohol about half an hour. Pour out into a shallow dish and let dry for a day. Stir occasionally. Do this for each separate color of rice you need for the picture.
Print out a coloring page that goes along with your lesson. Choose pictures with lots of open space. Beginning in the middle, add drops of glue to one section. Gently use a flat toothpick to spread the glue to fill the space. Carefully sprinkle some grains of colored rice in the space. Brush away any excess rice. Fill the space next to the first with glue and sprinkle on the next color of rice. Working your way outward, continue filling in spaces and adding rice until the picture is complete. Let your masterpiece dry completely before moving it.
This craft can be used with any lesson or just for fun.