No SEW Christmas Pouch
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"Thanks for the Craft and Picture!"
Cut out the template and use it for a pattern. We recommend making a pattern from card stock or a manila file folder if you need to use it multiple times. Hole punch along the dots to make it easier to mark where to punch the holes on the pouch. Tape or pin the pattern to your felt or paper. The pouch in the picture was simply made from construction paper. A more durable pouch can be made from felt. After cutting, mark where the holes will be punched. It is best just to mark the top section. Then, fold the material along the fold line and hole punch through both layers to ensure that the holes are in line. Cut strips of ribbon or yarn. These need to be at least 5 inches long for little fingers to be able to tie the knots. You will need 14 pieces of ribbon or yarn per pouch. You should plan on two yards per pouch when purchasing supplies. Insert the ribbon or yarn through each set of holes where they line up and tie a knot. After tying all the knots, trim them evenly. Use a stick on Velcro dot to close the tab. Decorate with stickers and markers.
Remember, tying all those knots will take the little ones a long time. You may need to plan to do the cutting and hole punching during one session and finish up with the knot tying and decorating the next time you meet.