Happy Birthday Jesus
Gingerbread Ornaments
Gingerbread Template With Words- Color
Gingerbread Template Without Words- Color
Just print the "Happy Birthday Jesus Gingerbread" template out on cardstock. Cut all five gingerbread men out. Use metal ornament hooks and poke through the top of the gingerbread man. Hang on tree. You could also run ribbon, yarn or string through. You might not be able to use a hole punch on these because it will make to big of a hole and punch through part of his eyes. Just use a thumb tack to poke a hole first and then run some string through. No string? Just use some dental floss and tie.Stickers- Just print on peel and stick paper and cut around the gingerbread men and peel the backing off the peel and stick paper. Stick these to anything you can think of.
Gingerbread Necklace or Banner- Just print and cut them out. Tape a small piece of tape to the top of the gingerbread head and fold down over yarn. Do all 5 gingerbread men like this on the piece of yarn spacing them out.
Gingerbread Bulletin Board - Just print on regular printing paper and laminate. Cut them out. Staple on a small bulletin board.
Gingerbread Gift Bag- Print on cardstock. Cut each one of them out. Staple to a lunch bag that is filled with candy and gifts. Make them up for each child and give to them as a gift during a Christmas Party.
Gingerbread Gift Decor- Print and laminate. Cut out. Tape one gingerbread man to a present along with a candy cane next to it to make your present really stand out. Need gingerbread gift tags instead? We have those too!
Gingerbread Cake Decor- Just print and laminate. Cut each one out. Tape a bamboo skewer to the back of each gingerbread man. You could tie a red ribbon or yarn to each stick under the gingerbread boy if you want. Stick all 5 down in a large round cake that you baked. Cover the sides and top of cake with chocolate chip cookie cereal. Just stick in the frosting. Take to children's Church or Sunday school and let them do the Gingerbread Doorknob Hanger craft to go along with it. Or let them make the Gingerbread Holding His Bible Craft.
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