Fried Chicken Printable Template Cutout

"Not Chicken To Praise Jesus"

I drew a fried chicken printable cutout template for kids in preschool or kindergarten. I made several different templates for you to use. I made colored ones or black and white ones so the kids can color it before they cut it out. I also made them with and without words so they can be used in other projects. These are very large cutouts that will fill an 8.5x11 image. So you can use them for bulletin board too. Just print, laminate and cut out. It's that simple. 

Fried Chicken Colored With Words "Not chicken To Praise Jesus"

Fried Chicken Black and White With Words "Not Chicken To Praise Jesus"

Fried Chicken Colored with words "Fried Chicken"

Fried Chicken Black and White with words "Fried Chicken"

Fried Chicken black and white no words

Fried Chicken Colored no words

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