Crystal keepsake Jar
for Father’s Day
- Glass jar
- Elmer’s glue
- Small sponge brush
- Food coloring
- Aluminum pie pan or paper plate
- Epson salt
- Colored Paper
Before you
begin, add a few drops of food coloring to a half cup of Epson salt in a zip
lock baggie. Carefully shake to color the salt. Let the salt set and dry for
two to three hours. It will get a little
clumpy but that is what you want. Pour
some of the dry salt into an aluminum pie pan or onto a paper plate.
Thin the
Elmer’s glue with one part water to one part glue. (Or buy a bottle of Mod Podge) Brush the glass jar with the glue mixture
where you want to salt to stick. Let the
glue dry for a couple of minutes so it is tacky. Roll the jar in the salt or sprinkle it over
the glue. Be sure to do this over a container that can
catch the excess salt. Optional: We did the word DAD in white first and let it
dry before adding the colored salt to the remainder of the jar.
Trace the
lid of the jar onto a piece of colored paper.
Write the words, “Dad, you are the salt of the earth” on the paper. Cut it out and glue it to the lid.
Salt of the Earth
5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his
savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for
nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Why would
the Bible compare people to salt? In the
days when there was no refrigeration, salt was very important. In addition to making the food taste better,
it kept it from spoiling. We still use
salt to improve the flavor of food and to preserve some foods such as pickles
and jerky. Salt can come from the sea or
it can be mined from the ground in some places.
If the salt is not separated from the dirt and other things that are
mixed with it, it is not any good. Not
only is it not good to use, if it is thrown on the ground, nothing will grow
So, how are
we like salt? By the way we act; we make
life better for those around us. By
doing good works and sharing the gospel, we can lead others to knowing Christ. But, if we mix that up with doing bad things,
people will no longer trust us. They
will stop listening to us when we tell them about Jesus. We are no longer helping anyone grow in
homemade popcorn. (Not microwave popcorn) Give each child one snack bag that
has been salted and one that has not been salted. Do not tell the children which bag has the
salt. Ask them if they can tell the
Display a
bag of salted popcorn that has some dirt mixed in it. Ask if they think anyone would enjoy eating
the dirty popcorn. Most will say
no. Ask why they would not eat it when
there is good popcorn in there.
Hopefully they will realize that good things are ruined when they are
mixed in with bad things.
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