Cloud Lunch Bag Craft

Acts 1:9 

I took Jesus up in the air with me

  • Cloud Face Template- printable version
  • White Lunch Bag
  • Note Card
  • Marker- To write words on note card
  • Blue Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape

Print the cloud face template out. Cut it out. Take a white lunch bag and fold it over at the top. Tape your cloud face to the top. Take your blue construction paper and cut four strips. Fold them back and forth to get the crinkle look. Tape the arms and legs on. Then take a note card and write the words, "Acts 1:9 I took Jesus up in the air with me" on the front of it. Tape the arms to the note card like the cloud is holding it.

Use this cloud craft to go along with our Cloud Sunday school lesson plan. Comes with snacks, coloring pages, cutout activities, maze, and more.