Christmas Rabbit "Candy Cane" Rice Sock Craft
- 1 Child's Sock
- Green Felt
- 2 Blue Eyes (I used pronged jewels)
- 1 Gold Nose (I used a pronged gold jewel)
- 1 Candy Cane
- 1 Christmas necklace with gold jingle bell
- 7 Rubber Bands
- Hot Glue Gun
- Rice (For filler)
- Note Card "Merry Christmas Jesus" (Optional) -not pictured
- Pencil
- Yarn
- Hole Punch
Start by taking your sock and filling it up with rice. You will need to make two small feet and tie them off with a rubber band. Then add some more rice and tie off your arms next. Then tie off above the arms for the body. This might be a little difficult the first time you try this when you are trying to tie the little arms and legs off. You will get the hang of it after a few tries. Then add some more rice for the head and tie that off. You should have some remaining sock sticking up after this. Take your scissors and make a straight cut down the middle for ears. You will want to cut them in the shape of a leaf. I made a little hat and shirt out of felt. I do not have a patten and I just cut slits in the felt and slipped it over the rabbits arms and and hot glued the back. I did the same with the hat. I cut a strip of felt that looked like it would cover his head and put two small slits for his ears to go through. I just hot glued that in the back. I added his jewel eyes and nose and gave him a jingle bell necklace. I stuck a candy cane through the necklace. You could hot glue all that down if you want. Let your child make their own and cut little clothes out for their sock doll. My child helped make this one. Tons of fun!
Optional: Take a colored note card and have the kids write "MERRY CHRISTMAS JESUS" on it. Use the hole punch and put a hole in the corner. Run some yarn through the hole and tie around the neck of the rabbit. If you are using a specific lesson then have the kids write the scripture on the note card instead.
You could also let your child at home make these and give as a gift to grandma or someone they love. You could also have them give one to your pastor and his wife. Write a special thank you note on the note card. Let them know they are appreciated for all they do. Or wrap it up by sticking the rabbit down in a white or brown lunch bag and fold the top over and staple it. Put a bow and tape a candy cane to it. Add a gift tag to it and write their name on it.
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