I took white lunch sacks that I bought from Wal-mart and cut the very bottom half off and taped it to the folder under their shirts they made. This will make a little pocket that opens up. I wrote the words "Tabitha's Sewing Pattern's" on the front of it and stuck the sewing pattern down in the pocket. Then the kids taped the three other pictures to the right of the folder, "Peter, Tabitha, Needle and Thread, and a Coat. The coat will come in black and white for the kids to color it. The rest of the pictures will come colored.
The kids used the shirt pattern (available for free below).
They cut the shirt pattern out and laid it on
some felt and cut it out.
They hot glued the shirts to their
folders on the inside of the folder on the right hand side and decorated
them using some left over materials that I had in my closet from home.
It was interesting to see how they decorated them. Cute, huh!