The Parable Of The Widow Woman And The Unjust Judge Craft

Construction Paper

Gavel Template- Colored or Black and White

Tape or Stick Glue

Crayons or Markers

If you print the black and white template out then have the kids color it before they cut it out. We have a colored one if you don't have to time for the kids to color. Have them cut out the gavel and the words. Assemble onto a piece of construction paper and glue down. You can use tape if you want.

This is a simple and easy craft for kids to do when teaching on the Parable of the Widow Woman and Unjust Judge Lesson. Make up some Gavel snacks for the kids to eat.

Parable of the widow woman and the Unjust judge Lesson

Parable of the widow woman and the Unjust judge Snacks

Parable of the widow woman and the Unjust judge Maze

The parable of the importunate widow woman and unjust judge craft activity sheet cutout

                                                      Colored Template

The parable of the importunate widow woman and unjust judge craft activity sheet cutou

                                              Black and white Template