Let Your Light Shine Lantern
Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Cut a one-inch strip off the 8 ½ inch long edge for the handle. Fold the piece of card stock in half along the long edge. Cut evenly spaced slashes along the folded edge (Cut through both layers) leaving about 1 inch uncut on the open edges. Decorate with stickers, markers, etc. Open the paper up and then roll it into a tube lengthwise so the slashes run up and down. Glue or tape the edges of the paper together. Press down on the top of the lantern so it bulges out a little in the center. Attach the one inch strip to the top of your lantern for a handle.
If you do not have card stock, any sturdy paper will work.