Christmas Card Puzzle Craft
What you need:
Card Template (Printable version)
Christmas card
Glue stick or white liquid glue
Small sharp scissors
What to do:
Choose a card with a pretty picture. One that has been used is great, because no one will see the inside. It is also an opportunity to talk about recycling. Open up the card and spread glue over every part on the inside. Close the card. Take something with a straight edge, such as a ruler, and go over the closed card to remove any bubbles. Set a weight, for example a book, on it while it dries. Wrapping the card in wax paper will protect it from sticking to the weight and work surface. A glue stick will dry faster, but the liquid glue makes a sturdier project. If you use the liquid glue, plan on several hours to dry.
Draw the outline for the puzzle pieces on the back of the card. An example has been provided. Before drawing, divide the card into four about equal parts. Plan how many puzzle pieces you want from each section. This just keeps it uniform. Be sure to draw some tabs and holes (innies and outies) so the puzzle will lock together.
At this point, you may want to take a snapshot of the card for future reference. Another option is to number the pieces on the back to aide assembly later.
Get, ready, cut! Small scissors get in those small spaces better than large. When all the pieces are cut, put them in an envelope or a zip lock bag. Print a small picture of the card and tape to the front of the envelope or bag. Enjoy or give as a gift. It is a lot more fun than just a plain card.
- Use a calendar picture and glue it to piece of cardboard from a cereal box to make a larger puzzle.
- Before cutting, attach a stick-on magnetic sheet to the back of the card. Use it as a refrigerator game or on a dry erase marker board.